WordPress Office Hours
Have a quick, non-urgent WordPress or website-related question? I’m launching Office Hours where you can virtually drop by and get a few minutes of free help.
If it’s not quick (i.e. can be dealt with in 10 /1 5 mins or less) or if it’s urgent, you probably need to buy an hour of my time for email or remote help which can be used incrementally as needs arise.
WordPress Office Hours
Tuesdays at 9am – 10am PST
Via Skype audio calls and screensharing.
My Skype screen name is: webtrainingwheels
Add me as a contact on Skype.
First send me a text chat message to make sure that I’m not already talking to someone else. If I am, I’ll let you know and I’ll call you back when I’m done.
Bring ONE issue!
You’ll be able to share your screen with me to show the problem and we can look at it together.
See you Tuesday at 9am!