Intermediate tutorials may include code modifications, or use of tools like FTP. If you’re not a full-on developer, but you’re also not scared of getting your hands dirty, these tutorials are good for you :)
Turning off JavaScript in your browser can be helpful so that you can see which elements of your site require JavaScript to display. When troubleshooting PageSpeed issues and especially when…
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When things aren't working as expected on your site, or you get an error notification from WordPress, you will need to check the error logs for your site. WordPress runs…
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The default text on the WordPress comment form is: "Leave a Reply." In this guide you'll learn a few different ways to modify that text. If you want to remove…
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If you're tired of spam, or just find that comments are not appropriate for your site, you may want to disable this WordPress feature entirely. If you are trying to…
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The “destination folder already exists” message will show up in your WordPress dashboard if you try to install a plugin or theme that already exists.
Find how to deal with this error.
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Remove unused JavaScript is a common, but technical, recommendation from PageSpeed. It’s hard to satisfy correctly, but I’ll show you the shortcut that will have a huge impact on your PageSpeed score
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